Be visible on the internet with us!
Why is Digital Marketing Crucial to Your Online Business?
Creating a site that is beautiful and stylish will not get you much unless you have adequate traffic to that same site.
Digital marketing is one of the best ways to empower people to hear about you, advance Brand Awareness, and thus expand the community of people who value what you do. The management process itself is very complex. Specifically, there are a number of options, variants, then the need to re-target people who have previously taken an interest in you and visited your site as just testing or correcting already released campaigns. From all of the above, it is very important that your campaigns are run by someone who does this professionally and who has a lot of experience in this field. Otherwise you may end up spending money with no visible result.
We have a team of people who have been dealing with this for years and are well aware of what campaigns are going through in all the countries we work in, so we encourage you to contact us immediately and become visible on the internet with our help. Below, we will detail all the options that digital marketing provides and explain the process of setting up your campaign.
Google Ads campaigne
Campaigns on social networks
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter campaigns aim to increase the visibility of the ad units (posts) you share on your site. Clicks on specific advertisements ie posts will bring new visitors to your website. The advantage of these campaigns is that there are a wealth of options and advanced options for targeting (targeting) your target group. We have the choice of „disgusting“, for example, those who are married, or have recently received a child, or those whose friends are soon celebrating their birthday. This goes so far that there is also the possibility that people who have a particular model phone or people living within 2km of your store may be disgusted. The recipe for successful social media campaigns is: a well-placed audience, constant campaign and correction analysis and, of course, re-marketing, that is, re-targeting those who have previously appeared on your site or page. Research has shown that to buy a particular product, one must first review it 5 to 7 times. These campaigns are great for Brand Awareness as well, so keep that in mind if you have just started a business. As you can see, this is a very complex and lively process that consists of a large number of stages, all of which need to be nicely „fit in“ and run professionally.
The first step is to properly define your target group and choose the most appropriate campaign for your business. Different types of campaigns will be most optimal for fraudulent activities.
Once the campaign is launched, ongoing review, analysis, and correction of active ad units is needed to reduce costs and increase efficiency and relevance.
With all campaigns, it is crucial that people see the ad more than once. This will „remind“ them again and again as they grow. reviews ads, the chances of someone contacting you growing.
Newsletter Campaign
People generally share the opinion that any digital marketing related to emails has no effect, is annoying and no one reads advertising emails. Well, let us find out that most people make mistakes! This is one of the most personal and powerful means of marketing. It involves developing a rich database of emails from your customers and customers and sending newsletters to them on a regular basis. These emails should not only be of a promotional character and invite people to buy something, it is an opportunity to share with the people some quality text or content of any type. It is imperative that you give people some value so that they will love you, your brand, store or agency. Only when you gain their trust does the opportunity to cooperate with them open up.
Ever since IT Lion has been running a FACEBOOK CAMPAIGN, I have seen traffic on the site increase by about 300%. MUCH MORE PEOPLE ARE CONTACTING AND INTERESTING FOR OUR SERVICES EVERYDAY..Dragan Savićević, Ivma d.o.o.
Contact us and start a project together!
It Lion has been setting up and running a large number of campaigns for over 5 years and digital marketing is a field for us where we have a lot of experience and knowledge. So far, we have run a large number of campaigns for various companies in the country and abroad and have helped a large number of entrepreneurs to improve their business. Contact us and we will help you to be visible on the internet! You can contact us here.
We are IT LION and we fight for our clinets like Lions!